Notes For Participants
- There is no bib number for Participants in the hiking program. Please do not fasten the bib number for proper route guidance.
- Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organizer is not responsible for the loss or damage of the baggage stored.
- 16公里參加者能在2小時30分鐘內完成全程、5公里參賽者能在1小時30分鐘內完成全程,
- 大會於長短線分流點處(約為4.8公里)設置時間分段點,16公里參賽者未能於比賽開始後50分鐘內抵達該位置,大會工作人員將於其號碼布上劃上記號標識,並示意參賽員退出,參加者必須遵守。若參賽者堅持繼續走入賽道內,即視為其個人行為,與大會賽事無關,亦不作計分論;
- All personal data submitted will only be used for the purpose of this activity and our promotion and promotion of other environmental protection or sports activities in the future.
- We reserve the right to make the final decision on all matters related to this event.